Tag: Lions CLub


Dwight Village Board of Trustees Meet September 25

 September 26, 2023

The Dwight Village Board of Trustees met Monday, September 25. Present at the meeting were Trustees Randy Irvin, Marla Kinkade, Justin Eggenberger, and Jenny Johnson. Absent were Pete Meister and Brian Berta. Also in attendance were Village Administrator Crissy Livingston,…

READ MORE Dwight Village Board of Trustees Meet September 25

Keith Howland and Belinda Gordon Receive Awards at Gardner Lions Club Meeting on August 8

 August 18, 2023

The Gardner Lions club held a meeting on August 8, 2023. President Joe Spiezio presented Lion Keith Howland with an award for 55 years of service and Lion Belinda Gordon with a Lions Foundation Fellow award. Gardner Lions will be…

READ MORE Keith Howland and Belinda Gordon Receive Awards at Gardner Lions Club Meeting on August 8