Prescribed burning operations underway in Bureau, La Salle, Grundy and Kendall counties
OTTAWA – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced today that prescribed burning operations are underway at various pollinator sites in Bureau, La Salle, Grundy and Kendall counties. The work is weather dependent and may be postponed if the conditions are not ideal for burning.
The sites that are part of the operations are:
- Indian Boundary Prairie: Illinois 26 and 2600N Avenue south of Ohio in Bureau County
- Deer Pit Prairie: Interstate 39 and Illinois 251 south of Oglesby in La Salle County
- Three Rivers Rest Area (eastbound and westbound): I-80 west of Minooka in Grundy County
- Faxon Road Prairie in Plano in Kendall County
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The work is necessary to clear these remnant prairies of invasive plants such as teasel, wild parsnip and other grasses to allow native prairie vegetation to grow. Native plants are vital in attracting pollinators.
Workers will prepare the area by mowing burn breaks before performing the prescribed burn. There will be no lane closures and no impact to traffic during the burn operations. Signs and message boards bordering the burn sites will be deployed to warn the travelling public.
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