The Dwight Village Board of Trustees met Tuesday January 28. Below are key items from the meeting:
Under new business these were approved:
- Motion to accept the resignation of full-time employment to part-time employment of Cassandra Walsh effective January 25, 2025
- Motion to approve Traffic Regulation Agreement with Dwight School Districts 230 & 232
- Motion to approve the hiring of 2 part-time EMS Applicants
- Motion to apply for funding with the EPA Lead Service Line Replacement loan program
Motion to approve Administrator Livingston to start the process of the Business Development District
Motion to not reopen Stevenson Pool
Ordinance 1539 will extend sewer debt fee until March 31, 2028
SECTION ONE: Appendix B, Sewer Rate Schedule, Letter H, Debt Service Fee; of the Municipal Code, Village of Dwight is amended to read:
Revise $7.25 to $5.08
Revise March 31, 2025, to March 31, 2028
Will read as follows:
H. Debt Service Fee: The Village of Dwight wishes to utilize low interest loan funds available through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to upgrade the existing Waste Water Treatment System of the Village. A fee of $5.08 per one (1) month is imposed on all residential units, effective April 1, 2008, through March 31, 2028.
Ordinance 1540 will add infrastructure fee until March 31, 2028
SECTION ONE: Amend Appendix A, Water Rate Schedule of the Municipal Code, Village of Dwight to add the following:
F. Infrastructure Fee: A fee of $2.17 per one (1) month is imposed on all residential units, effective April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2028.
SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall be in full effect April 1, 2025.
Resolution 2025-01
The Village of Dwight will sponsor the fireworks for the 4th of July Celebration up to the amount of $15,500, including reimbursement to parties which have paid for said celebration as based upon this resolution.