Dwight IL – 815-584-1901 – thepaper1901@sbcglobal.net
ALA Symposium and Banquet to be held
All are welcome to attend the free Abraham Lincoln Association annual symposium (named in honor of biographer Benjamin P. Thomas) on Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the President Lincoln Hotel at 7th and Adams, in downtown Springfield. The speakers will be Timothy Good; Edward McClellan; Jonathan W. White and William J. Griffing; and Kate Masur. A roundtable discussion runs from 2:15 to 3:00 p.m., and a book-signing is from 3 to 4 p.m.; all speakers’ books will be available on site. The luncheon (named in honor of Thomas F. Schwartz) at 11:30 a.m. costs $45.00.
Then at 7:00 p.m., the 216th Birthday of our 16th President will be marked with the annual banquet, keynote speaker Prof. Michael Burlingame on “Adventures and Misadventures of a Lincoln Scholar.” Tickets to attend the banquet are $100.00. Go to abrahamlincolnassociation.org to register and pay for either meal, by February 5th, or you can mail a check to the ALA, P.O. Box 1865, Springfield, IL 62705. The whole day will be a magnificent union of Lincoln thinkers and fans, honest!
Best of Illinois History Awards
Join us at the Inn at 835 as we recognize the Best in Illinois History! Our annual awards will be held beginning at 11:30 a.m. with an luncheon, followed by the ISHS’ Annual Meeting.
The Illinois State Historical Society and the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency are pleased to announce they are taking applications for the annual King V. Hostick Research Scholarships on Illinois History. The Hostick Scholarship was established by the late manuscript dealer King V. Hostick, to provide financial assistance to graduate students in the study of history and library science who are writing dissertations dealing with some aspect of Illinois history. Preference may be given to research conducted at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (formerly the Illinois State Historical Library), but all Illinois libraries repositories of historic documents and materials will be considered. Stipends are individually determined up to $5,000.
All applications must be received by March 31st of every year.
Guidelines governing applications of King V. Hostick Scholarship:
The applicant must be enrolled in a recognized graduate history or library science degree program in an accredited institution. Applications from other disciplines will be considered at the discretion of the award committee.
The subject of the dissertation must be directly related to Illinois history and must be approved by the graduate committee of the institution. Preference may be given to applicants who require use of the collections at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (formerly the Illinois State Historical Library).
The applicant must provide the King V. Hostick Award Committee with: a certified academic transcript of graduate work; a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s dissertation director which also certifies that the applicant has been advanced in candidacy; a current vita; a four-to-six page description of the research topic, including methodology, where it stands in the historiography, a bibliography, and sources to be consulted during the award period; and two additional letters of recommendation from faculty members of the applicant’s committee who are familiar with the applicant’s work.
Stipends are individually determined based upon the applicant’s research needs. A detailed budget proposal listing travel, lodging, photocopying, and specific collections to be examined at institutions during travel stay should be submitted. If electronic equipment is requested, it must be itemized.
The applicant agrees to deposit a copy of the completed dissertation in the collections of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (formerly the Illinois State Historical Library). Should the dissertation be published as a book, the applicant agrees to deposit a copy of the published book in the collections of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (formerly the Illinois State Historical Library).