Three Village of Dwight Committee Meetings were held Tuesday, January 22. Below are recaps of the meetings:



  1. Traffic Regulation Agreement
    1. The Committee discussed an agreement with the school districts regarding traffic regulations.
  2. SRO
    1. The Committee discussed costs and details of the School Resource Officer, including length of term, hours, and a vehicle associated with the program. Gary Beier is the current SRO but Officer Julia Santiago is in training to take over once certified.
  3. EMS revenue sources
    1. Revenue sources and costs surrounding Emergency Services were discussed. The pros and cons of billing as flat rate vs. per call were  outlined by EMS Chief Mike Callahan. The Village currently provides service to Odell and Allen Township. Campus and Emington Districts have also inquired about contracting for services through Dwight EMS. Mayor Paul Johnson pointed out that the solution for some of the outlying districts would be for them to pass referenda to secure proper funding, but it is unlikely any would pass. He added that a true solution would include some sort of county wide option. Effectively, the Dwight EMS District is covering some rural areas for which they are not getting properly compensated and the situation is not sustainable. Callahan added the Illinois Community Care Program, which is generally administered through hospital systems, is something to be considered.
  4. Vehicle
    1. The 2014 vehicle currently operated by the EMS Chief has reached the end of its life and options were discussed on whether it should be replaced or its use by the EMS Chief discontinued. A new police squad car is also on the horizon so what happens with that purchase may impact how the EMS vehicle is handled.
  5. Station Alert System
    1. A central Station Alert System for the EMS Department was considered. Central alert systems utilize computer software integrated with dispatch systems, allowing for real-time updates and targeted alerts based on location and available personnel. 
  6. Review EMS applicants
    1. Two EMS applicants were reviewed.



  1. EPA Lead Service Line Replacement
    1. The option of applying for a loan to potentially pay for the Lead Service Line Replacement was discussed. The loan may not be needed but applying for it in the case it is needed seemed prudent.
  2. Debt Service Fee
    1. The Debt Service Fee on water bills is scheduled to expire in March. If the fee is not renewed, the Village will be unable to pay a current loan with the EPA. In the past, the fee has been used to pay for a street sweeper and now is earmarked to pay the EPA loan.
  3. RFP Chemical Feed
    1. The Chemical Feed program would be needed to correct the arsenic problem with the Village water supply. The EPA has given the Village a deadline of June 30 to correct the arsenic problem and Village Engineers Farnsworth have advised the Village should take action on the bid as soon as possible.
  4. Renfrew Park – OSLAD
    1. Final designs of the Renfrew Park upgrade are being reviewed with Hitchcock Designs and then bids for actual construction will go out. Completion is expected by September.
  5. Stevenson Pool
    1. The Committee discussed an engineer’s report that Stevenson Community Pool should be “abandoned” and that its repair is cost prohibitive. It was proposed a community meeting be held to discuss options and review the engineer’s report.



  1. Fireworks
    1. A $15,500 donation request by the Dwight Economic Alliance to fund the annual Dwight fireworks 4th of July celebration was discussed. The consensus of the Committee was that the fireworks celebration should continue but the funding amount should be considered. It was decided to send the $15,500 request to the full Board for approval at their next meeting.
  2. Insurance
    1. Employee health insurance options and offerings were discussed.
  3. Economic Development
    1. The creation of a Village Economic Development Council will begin to take form in the next few months. Key community business leaders will be recruited to sit on the Board with the purpose of drawing development to town.
    2. With the creation of the Village Development Council a MIssion Statement will. be developed.
    3. Village Administrator Crissy Livingston gave an overview of the Business Development District (BDD) Program. A village BDD program, is a program that uses sales tax to fund public improvements in a designated area, which for Dwight’s purpose would be for Renfrew Park and the Downtown area. The proposal is to make Sales Tax in Grundy County match that of Livingston County and direct the increased amount to fund upgrades to the park and downtown. Livingston County sales tax is currently 8.25% and Grundy County is 7.25%. In order for the BDD to fund downtown improvements, the BBD district would need to encompass downtown and the sales tax there would need to increase by .25%.
  4. Downtown Improvements
    1. Livingston provided the Committee with conceptual ideas on various improvements in the downtown area. Some of the ideas designers have suggested are moving overhead wires underground, improving PArk Street, and upgrading the empty lot nect to Unpossible Mead.
  5. FY26 Budget
    1. A high level preliminary overview of the 2026 budget was reviewed.


The regular monthly Board Meeting will be Tuesday, January 28 at 5 p.m.

