The MVK Senior Citizens met for their Christmas party December 17, 2024 at the Mazon American Legion at noon.  There were 27 people for the dinner and meeting. Lisa Wren, CNN coordinator welcomed everyone.
The dinner was catered by Upper Crust of Yorkville and was a delicious plate of sliced ham, scalloped potatoes, peas and carrots, cornbread, fruit cocktail, and pudding which was free today, paid for by our organization.  The meal prayer was given by Secretary Nancy Johnson.
The meeting was brought to order at 12:45 by President Beth Burns leading the Pledge to the Flag.  A moment of silence was held. We have one new member, Diane Francois.
 The Secretary’s report was given by Nancy Johnson, motion to accept was given by Nancy Burchfield, second by Carol Clements, motion passed.
A thank you was read from the MVK Christmas Basket project for our donation.  There were no birthday celebrants attending today.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Shirley Peterson with a balance of $676.86.  A motion to accept the report was given by Carol Clements, second by Nancy Brian, motion passed.
A motion was made by Carol Clements to give a $25 gift card to Lisa Wren in appreciation for all she does, second by Robin Homerding, motion passed.
Door prizes were won by Diane Francois, Bill McCormick, Paul Page, Bob Elam, Judy Shelton, Kay Jensen, and Bob Matzen.
Bingo was held after the meeting and euchre was held at 10:30.  We had a grab bag gift exchange also.
The next meeting will be January 21, 2025 at the Mazon American Legion with dinner at noon.  Anyone 60 years old or more is invited to join us. There is a small donation for the meal and reservations can be made by calling CNN at 815-941-1590.
Nancy Johnson, secretary