Christmas In Rotary Park

Reviving The Tradition!

After many years without lights, Rotary Park/Pinecone Path was decorated last season by more than 20 trees sponsored by local businesses, clubs, churches, organizations, and individuals.

The Rotary Club of Dwight invites businesses, organizations, and families to be part of the 2024 display! All they need is a tree with stand and anchors, lights, and extension cord, and decorations of their choice – including advertising!

The Dwight Rotary Club will supply connections to the power supply.

Setup will be November 29 (with assistance available 9:00 a.m. – noon) and 30th. Contact either of the emails below for any needed assistance.

Trees should be removed January 2-4, 2025.

Contact Dale Adams to reserve a spot for your tree! Questions?
