September 2024 News Release

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the 2024-2025 budget as presented

Motion to approve the purchase of gravel from Pilot in the amount of $1850

Motion to approve the contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield for employee health insurance for the 2024-25 school year

Motion to go into closed session @

_ pm for the: A. appointment, employment, discipline,

performance of specific employees; B. Special education program or matters relating to individual students; and Collective Bargaining in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) and (1),

(2)and (3) of the Illinois Open Meeting Act.

Motion to approve the employment of Alexis Donley as a long-term substitute paraprofessional for a maternity leave for the time period of September 16th to December 20′ at a rate of $17.92

per hour

Motion to employ Will Patterson as 8th grade boys’ basketball coach Motion to approve Donovan Conner as 7h grade boys’ basketball coach

Motion to approve Holly Hummel as a volunteer livestock judging coach for the 2024-2025 school year

Motion to approve the MOU to amend language in section II.2.2 A of the master contract

Next Board Meeting October 16, 2024
