The Meeting was held in the Dwight Township High School Board Room On September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Board President Tim Henson called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

PRESENT: Chris Bunting; Kim Frauli; Tim Henson; Joel Sandeno; Jake Tjelle ABSENT: Eric Scheuer; Max Sulzberger

Also in attendance: Josh DeLong, Superintendent; Deb Conroy, Secretary; Andy Pittenger, Principal


Mr. Pittenger announced that he has chosen Patricia Farrell-Levange as Trojan of the Month.




A thank-you letter was received from the Dwight Youth Baseball and Softball program commending our student volunteers.

Mrs. Farrell-Levange was in attendance to discuss being recognized as a 2024 Fine Arts School of Distinction by the Illinois Art Education Association. This is a 2-year designation and is held by only 8 schools in the State of Illinois.


Mr. Pittenger reported that there was an issue with the MAP testing and he is pushing that back to the week after Homecoming.

Mr. Scheuer’s report stands as read.

Mr. DeLong reported that the Trojan Drive project is coming along well. The sidewalk is complete and we have installed bollards along the drive. We are working on finishing that up shortly with reflectors and signs.

Mr. DeLong relayed that he has received compliments on Mr. Rabor and our Band program. The band has greatly improved under the direction of Mr. Rabor.

Mr. DeLong announced that the district is leasing one of our buses to Carson Woods for use during Harvest Days weekend. Woods will cover the cost of the use of the bus for the weekend for shuttle service between the HS and the Country Mansion for overflow parking purposes.

Mr. DeLong reported that our (2) $1,000,000 CDs will mature in December. He anticipates that rates will decrease since the Fed lowered interest rates by a half point yesterday. He reported that we earned over $480,000 last year in investment return.

Mr. Henson reported that while traveling to last weekend’s football game, the football trailer came loose on the highway in Morris. There was no damage and they were able to get it hooked back up and to the game without further incident.


Mr. DeLong reported on the following items:

  1. 1)  Board Election Year: Mr. DeLong reported that we have 4 seats opening up for election in April 2025. He noted those up for election are Tim Henson, Joel Sandeno, Eric Scheuer and Max Sulzberger. Henson indicated he will not be running again. Nominating packets and further information are available at the County Clerk’s office.
  2. 2)  Windfarm Update: Mr. DeLong informed the Board that the windfarm project East of town was approved by the County Board last week by a vote of 14-1. They anticipate revenue to begin in FY27.


Items for consideration on this month’s Consent Agenda are as follows:

  1. Minutes of the August 21, 2024 Regular Monthly Board Meeting
  2. Bills
  3. Approve Employment, Emily Moore, Paraprofessional
  4. Approve Employment, Diane Sullivan, Substitute Teacher
  5. Approve Employment, Alexis Thetard, Substitute Teacher


Mr. DeLong presented the final proposal for the 2024-25 Budget for approval. As was noted in the Public Hearing, the deficit for this year’s budget is projected to be $206,000.

Mr. DeLong informed the Board that we could lock in the price to resurface the Track for the summer of 2026 right now, and then have the option of paying for the entire project either all in the 2026-27 school year or splitting it between the 2026-27 and 2027-28 school years. He recommends locking the price in now and then having formal action at the October Board meeting. The Board is in support of locking the price in now, as it will not cost anything to do so at this time.


Mr. DeLong noted that a policy allowing DPD to enforce traffic infractions on our property expired years ago and therefore, the Board discussed a traffic regulation agreement with the Village of Dwight. He will look into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village.

Mr. DeLong held the first reading of PRESS Policy 116, which deals mostly in part with Title IX, which is a hot-button issue right now. He noted that he, Mr. Pittenger and Mrs. Schultz, from the GS, recently attended a training on Title IX.

Mr. DeLong proposed increasing the meal reimbursement rate for the districts. He relayed that we currently reimburse $10 for breakfast, $15 for lunch and $20 for dinner. He stated that it is getting difficult to find meals in those price ranges and he feels it is time to increase those reimbursements to $15, $20 and $30 accordingly. These reimbursements are for when staff and Board members attend professional development and need to have a meal while doing so.

Mr. DeLong shared the results of the recent 10-Year Health, Life Safety Survey with the Board. He noted that most of the items are small in scope; however, they are required to be addressed within the next 5 years and are expected to cost us $450,000 over the next 10 years.

Mr. DeLong presented the updated Bullying Prevention Policy to the Board for approval. He noted that our current policy essentially mirrors ISBE’s but it must be presented in the approved format.

Mr. DeLong presented the 2024 Teacher/Administrator Compensation Report for Board approval.

Mr. DeLong presented the 2024-25 Threat Assessment Team and Threat Assessment Plan for Board approval.

Mr. DeLong forwarded a request to approve an overnight trip for FCCLA for the Ignite Conference in Springfield on September 29-30.

Mr. DeLong forwarded a request to approve an overnight trip for the Bass Fishing Team to Lake Decatur on October 11-12.

Mr. DeLong forwarded a request to approve an overnight trip for the FFA for the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 23-25.

Mr. DeLong forwarded a request to approve an overnight trip for the FFA for the Build Conference at ISU on November 25th.

Moved by Frauli, seconded by Tjelle, to enter Executive Session at 6:37 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; According to Section 2, subsection c, #1 of the Open Meetings Act. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Moved by Tjelle, seconded by Frauli, to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m. Voice vote. All voted aye. Motion carried.
