The Dwight Village Board of Trustees Met Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

Trustees in attendance were Josh Jahn, Marla Kinkade, Jenny Johnson, and Brian Berta. Absent were Pete Meister and Justin Eggenberger.

Also present were Mayor Paul Johnson, Village Administrator Crissy Livingston, Village Attorney Nick Ehrgott, and Village Clerk Whitney Scott.

Scott pointed out that nominating petitions for the April 2025 elections are now available. Village offices to be filled are: Village President; three Village Trustees for 4-year terms; one Village Trustee for a 2-year term; and Village Clerk.

Two recent graduates from the Police Training Academy, Anna Gabriel and Blake Hill, were sworn in as new Dwight Police Officers while family and friends looked on.

(L-R) Chief of Police Mike Nolan, Anna Gabriel and Blake Hill.


The following Consent Agenda items were approved:

    1. Payment of bills from August 12, 2024, $408,436.08
    2. Payment of bills from August 26, 2024, $95,857.31
    3. Minutes of the July 22, 2024, Village Board Meeting
    4. Minutes of the July 29, 2024, Special Board Meeting
    5. The June 2024 Treasurer’s Report.
    6. The transfer of $475.00 from (36) to (47) for FY 25 Bond Fees
    7. The transfer of $475.00 from (51) to (41) for FY 25 Bond Fees

Public Forum – No one spoke in Public Forum.

Village Administrator Crissy Livingston reported:

  1. The Village Complex offices will be closed Friday August 30 while painting and repairs are taking  place.
  2. August water bill delinquencies were at 130, down from 148 in June, and up from 111 in April. Eight residences currently have their water service turned off and residents are reminded that attempting to restore the water supply on their own is a criminal offense.
  3. It is hoped that repairs to the Public Services Complex will be completed prior to Harvest Days on September 18.

EMS Director Michael Callahan reported:

  1. The remount of ambulance 1815 is nearing completion and it should be in service by early September.

Chief of Police Mike Nolan reported:

  1. Two new recruits, Anna Gabriel and Blake Hill, have graduated from the Macon County Police Academy and have now been sworn in as Dwight Police Officers. Two other most recent graduates, Sevin Vargas and Kyle Henson, have completed their field training and will begin patrol on their own in the next few weeks. In addition, Officers Calhoun and Santiago have recently completed their one-year anniversary. This results in the Dwight Police force being staffed with six officers of a tenure of one year or less.
  2. Body cams have arrived and will soon be deployed.
  3. The recent National Night Out event was a huge success and it is believed around 750 – 800 people attended.

Director of Public Works Cory Scoles reported:

  1. Gooseberry Creek banks have been mowed.
  2. New water meters destroyed in the Public Works fire are in the process of being replaced.
  3. The Department is working on solutions to the goose waste problem at Lions Lake.

Water Director Joe Fritsch reported:

  1. The Lead Service Water Line Survey was completed and submitted on time.
  2. The downtown Water Tower improvement project has been completed and the tower has been back on-line for about two weeks.
  3. There have been water main breaks each of the last three weeks and each repaired with minimal supply interruption. Residents should be aware that boil orders can be regional in nature and might not affect everyone in a neighborhood. If there is any question whether a boil order affects your address, please call Village Hall at 815-584-3077.
  4. There appears to be a pumping problem with well number 7 and it may be necessary to bring emergency well number 8 on-line until resolved.
  5. The corrective action permit for the recent arsenic problem is being worked through with the EPA.

Zoning Meeting 8/20/24

  1. The Board took the recommendation from the Zoning Committee Meeting on August 20 and approved a variance for 310 S. Clinton and 222 W South St. which effectively merged three current lots into two. A neglected house on one of the properties will be torn down as part of the rezoning.

Admin and Finance Meeting 8/27

  1. The scope of the ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program) Grant regarding the proposed bike path was revised.
  2. The Board approved for the Village Administrator to include additional line levies when creating the upcoming budget.

The following New Business was acted upon:

  1. Approve resignation of EMS-Basic and EMS-Medic
  2. Approve hiring of (2) – EMS-Basic
  3. Approve hiring of (1) – FT Paramedic
  4. Approve salary change of Basic to Paramedic upon State license
  5. Approve payment to St. Patrick Church for sidewalk and curb reimbursement of $1,360.00
  6. Approve IGA with Department of Central Management Services (iBid)
    1. The Intergovernmental Agreement gives the Village the ability to buy and sell surplus resources through the State iBid Program
  7. Approve the Harvest Days 5K Route request
  8. Approve payment for Microsoft Subscription Licensing $5,244.00
  9. Approve Dwight Common School Request for use of Garrett Park ball fields
  10. Approve Dwight Common School request for use of Rotary park for a Cross County course
  11. Approve Liquor License request for GABR park, September 21 and 22
  12. Approve Liquor License request for 200 S Franklin, Cherry Reds Garage, September 19 – 22 (Two 2-day Requests)
    1. Approval is contingent on approval by Livingston County Health Department
  13. Approve Copy Machine Lease
  14. Approve Lease agreement between Village of Dwight and John Deere for a 410 P Backhoe
  15. Approve abatement payment #1 (Tax year 2023) to Lifetime Auto
  16. Approve Rural Ventures LLC Sound Amplification Request (9/19-9/21)
  17. Approve Special Permission request (x2) from Rural Ventures LLC.
    1. Special Permission request #1 will be for the blocking off of parking spots on South Street in front of Country Mansion for a bike corral and a shuttle drop-off point during Harvest Days
    2. Special Permission request #2 will be for the positioning of port-a-potties on Carriage House Lane during Harvest Days
  18. Approve Dwight Knights of Columbus Bucket Brigade Request for 9/13/24 & 9/14/24
  19. Approve quote for garage door sensors/new openers
  20. Approve final payment to Alexis for Ambulance remount $196,813.06

The Board moved into Executive Session to discuss the following:

  1. Section 2(c) (2) – Collective Bargaining
  2. Section 2(c) (1) – Personnel
  3. Section 2(c) (11) – Litigation

The Board adjourned following Executive Session. The next Dwight Village Board Meeting will be Monday September 9.
