Kankakee County Clerk Announces 2025 Dates

DAN HENDRICKSON, Kankakee County Clerk, announced today that the Consolidated Primary Election will be held on February 25, 2025, if candidate filings necessitate.  The Consolidated Election will be held April 1, 2025.

Kankakee County will hold elections for offices including City and Village Officeholders, Township Supervisors, Clerks, Trustees, and Road Commissioners, School Board Members and District Trustees, Park District Trustees and Library Trustees.  Referenda may also be held.  Petition packets and filing information may be found at the County Clerk’s website at:

http://www.kankakeecountyclerk.com/all-forms/  Candidates for the Consolidated Primary Election may begin circulating petitions beginning July 30, 2024.  Candidates for the Consolidated Election may begin petition circulation August 20, 2024


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Candidates running for an office will submit their paperwork with the appropriate local election authority (village clerk, township clerk, park, library and community college secretaries or their designee). Candidates for school board will submit their paperwork to the County Clerk’s office. Prospective candidates must file their petitions between October 21st and October 28th for the Consolidated Primary Election and between November 12th and November 18th for the Consolidated Election.

“It’s extremely important that prospective candidates learn about the qualifications and requirements for a particular office, gather enough valid signatures and correctly submit the necessary paperwork so they don’t get removed from the ballot,” Hendrickson said.  “Many potential candidates aren’t always familiar with the process and make mistakes that jeopardize their candidacies.”


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