We made a mural of both Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. Trewarther. . We incorporated multiple elements from what we heard from other teachers. the sunshine because they were rays of sunshine, the 72 books because they both had book related ideas to them and 72 is how long they worked here added together. We looked into everything we could and incorporated everything we saw. The trees were a nod to Mrs. Trewartha. The garden because they were both gardeners. One had cats, so we put the cats there. The other was in a choir, so we had a songbird and music notes. There are 2 hidden easter eggs that are nods to Mrs. Trewartha’s religion. Every single detail we added was a nod to them and their personalities. 


–Milana Bradley 

–Kaitlynn Streit 

–Libby Imhoff 

–Willow Tucker 



Mrs. Trewartha was a dedicated and compassionate teacher and  librarian for 35 years.  She has made an impact on many students and staff. The art was inspired by how she started the coffee shop and worked in the library for years.  We chose to include a hot coffee on books to showcase the start of Coffee Shop in the library. When designing the ice coffee we put a tree design on the cup to symbolize Mrs. Trewartha. We put a design inside the latte so it had something in it to make people attracted to it when they look at it. 

–Mark R.

–Steven K.

–Mrs. Farrell-Levange

We were commissioned by Mr. Delong to create murals for Ms. Coulter and Mrs. Trewartha; our group decided to focus on Ms. Coulter for our piece. The decisions we made and the objects we put in this artwork are inspired and based upon what people who knew Ms. Coulter told us. The environment of the piece is a mix of a theater stage, a classroom, and the outside gardens coming in. The main focal point of the artwork– the large bookshelf– was to symbolize her time as an English teacher, as well as the memories that were made to keep on the shelves and on display. The recurring red and blue paint were some of the colors you could expect to see her wearing. There are playing cards thrown throughout the room; 34 of them, for her years teaching. There are also tickets tacked up and laying about for all of the shows and games watched and trips taken. We also have a cat laying happily content in honor of her two cats. She was known to be loud: the megaphone, as well as the microphone and speaker for her performance at a school show. She was also known for being proud, and kind: we have a wooden mannequin doing a cartwheel and a sign to accompany it; she would perform such acts as a way to boost morale and prove points. Next to the mannequin are a series of books titled “Uncle Jim”; a relative of hers she would always tell stories about. There are also TIME magazines for her original way of teaching classes; students would choose an juicy gossip-filled excerpt and write about it. We have a map of New York which she enjoyed traveling to with her sister, as well as a baseball hat for the games cheered at. Finally, there are two drama masks– both of them happy– impacted by Ms. Coulter and the unending joy she brought. 


— Njomza Asllani 

— Elliot Nichols 

— Hayden Colclasure 

— Will Trainor 
