Each school year, we meet with young philanthropists at four of the high schools that serve Grundy County.  We chat with them about the nonprofits who serve Grundy County, the needs around the county, and about charitable giving.

After Christmas, the students choose the causes that they care about, and we schedule nonprofits to present to the students.

In April, we give each school’s young philanthropists a budget of $5,000, and they get to select which charities get grants from their budget.

Each May, we host an event where the young philanthropists announce their grant awards – which are held in secret until that night!

This is our favorite event because it truly restores your faith in youth.  These students are caring, intelligent young adults who care deeply about the community where they live – and the charities who receive their grants are doing the work that these students care about.

We hope you can join us!  Dinner is at 5:00 pm and the grant awards are at 6:00 pm.

No need to buy a ticket – this event is free due to the generosity of Corient, our investment advisors for the Community Foundation of Grundy County.

So come have a casual dinner, maybe a cocktail, and watch our young adults in action – you will be impressed and inspired!




Feel free to share – all are welcome!
