The Dwight Village Board of Trustees met Monday, March 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Public Services Complex.

Trustees present were Randy Irvin, Marla Kinkade, Jenny Johnson, and Brian Berta. Irvin presided as President Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Paul Johnson. Also absent were Trustees Justin Eggenberger and Pete Meister,

Village Administrator Crissy Livingston, Village Clerk Whitney Scott, and Village Attorney Nick Ehrgott were also in attendance.

Bill payments of $263,121.03 were approved along with the Treasurer’s Report.

No one spoke in Public Forum.

EMS Chief Michael Callahan reported the department would be temporarily down to one unit as one would be going in for repair.

Director of Public Works Cory Scoles told the Board that the new scoreboards have been installed at Garrett Park and the restrooms at Renfrew Park are now functional. He said the chipper will be out this week to begin cleaning up sticks and limbs although official debris pick-up does not begin until April 1. Renfrew Park will open March 29 in preparation for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Village Administrator Crissy Livingston reminded residents that golf cart stickers expire March 31 and would need to be renewed. She also pointed out that the Village does not have a designated town-wide clean-up day.

The Village of Dwight Fiscal Year 2024 – 2025 Budget was approved. The total budget was projected at approximately $12.28 million of which $4.35 million is in the General Fund. The General Fund balance is expected to be about 35% of the total annual budgeted expenditures.

Some of the upcoming large expenditures include upgrades at Renfrew Park, purchase of a new police squad car, police body cams, a new EMS ambulance chassis, a mower, and technology upgrades. The Water and Sewer Departments will receive funds for some much-needed repairs, including interior and exterior repairs to the downtown water tower.

Challenges for this upcoming year include unfunded mandates, the possible loss of the one percent grocery sales tax, and the state-wide problem of municipalities retaining police officers.

Ordinance 1519 was passed amending the ordinance regarding Video Gaming Cafes, setting the expected annual gross revenue of the business  at 60% to be exclusively from video gaming activities.

Ordinance 1521 was passed to allow for a Consent Agenda procedure to be used allowing for specified multiple items to be approved as a group. These items would include minutes, resolutions, and ordinances, along with and bills Treasurer’s Reports.

In Old Business, the Board voted to approve a Platinum membership to the Dwight Economic Alliance of $4,000. This amount would not include the cost of the Fourth of July fireworks, which in recent years had been funded by the DEA.

In New Business the following items were approved:

  1. Payment for a Vermeer Chipper.
  2. Payment to Gordon & Backhus for re-keying of Village buildings.
  3. Aly Anne’s Street Closure Permit for May 3 – 5, 2024.
  4. Aly Anne’s Sound Amplification Permit for May 3 – 5, 2024.
  5.  Employment of Part-Time EMS Paramedic, Rikki Damaschke.

The Board entered into Executive Session. From that session, the public works contract April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2027 was approved.

The next Village Board meeting will be April 8, 2024.

