Held in the Dwight Common School District Library On March 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Board President Nick Stipanovich called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Lori Bowman; Mark Christenson; Marc Ellis; Tara Hansen; Jaime Mallaney; Nick Stipanovich; Chuck Trainor (6:09 p.m.)
Also in attendance: Josh DeLong, Superintendent; Deb Conroy, Secretary; Julie Schultz, Principal; Micheal Bennett-Tejes, Asst. Principal/AD
Mrs. Schultz announced that Custodian John Scott has been chosen as the Redbird of the Month.
Randy Irvin was in attendance to offer the support of the office of Representative Jason Bunting to the school.
Mrs. Thompson was in attendance to give the DEA Report for this month. Mrs. Schultz thanked the PTO for their constant support of the school. Mr. Bennett-Tejes’ report stands as read.
Mr. DeLong reported on the following issues:
- We had a Health, Life Safety inspection last week and are awaiting results. Mr. DeLong wants to wait on figuring out what to do about the roof until we get the results of this report.
- Jack Connor has been in contact with a couple of roofing companies and is awaiting quotes on temporary repairs for the roof. He is also awaiting quotes on a fix for the circle drive. He noted that a couple of companies have been in contact but they want to see what the damage is underneath the curb. When possible, we will dig up a small portion in front of the contractors and they can then have a better understanding of how to bid the project.
- Mr. DeLong has asked our architects if they could get us a quote on a longevity feasibility study of our building in case we do want to look into an addition at some point.
Moved by Ellis, seconded by Mallaney, to go into Executive Session at 6:09 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; According to Section 2, subsection c, #1 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Moved by Ellis, seconded by Hansen, to exit Executive Session at 6:56 p.m. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Items for consideration on this month’s Consent Agenda are as follows:
- Minutes of the February 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
- Bills
- Approve Retirement, Catherine Gartke, Special Education Teacher
- Approve Resignation, Nicole Neumann, Special Education Teacher
- Approve Employment, Kaylee Gelsthorpe, ECSE Teacher
- Approve Employment, Micheal Bennett-Tejes, Head Boys Track Coach
- Approve Employment, Marissa Stoffel, Assistant Girls Track Coach
- Approve Employment, Randall Groves, Substitute Teacher
Mr. DeLong explained how we are going to staff the Library this year. The HS no longer feels the need to have staff monitor the Library on a daily basis and Mrs. Flott is able to do RTI with our students; therefore, she will be assigned full-time at the GS this fall. Ms. Schultz will be reassigned as a parapro in the building.
The issue of home-school sports participation was once again addressed. The question of what constitutes eligibility for a homeschool student was asked. Mr. DeLong responded that the Board would want to determine the allowable curriculum, choosing one from 3 to 5 homeschool curriculum programs. The family would need to provide proof of purchase. Then every Friday by 4:00 p.m. they would need to email their progress report to the Athletic Director. Board members were on both sides of this issue and after much discussion it will be brought back for a re-vote at the April Board meeting.
Mr. DeLong presented his proposal for salary increases of 5% for the non-certified staff for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. DeLong presented his proposal for a 5% salary increase for Principal Julie Schultz for the 2024-25 school year.
Mr. DeLong presented his proposal for School Fees for the 2024-25 school year. The only increase will be in lunches, which is $0.10 per meal, mandated by the state.
Mr. DeLong reviewed the 2023-24 Seniority List with the Board.
Mr. DeLong discussed the dismissal of a Professional Educator Licensed Employee, Jeremy Kenny, P.E. Teacher.