The Dwight Township High School Art 3 students in Mrs. Farrell-Levange’s classes have been working hard since October creating several ceramic vessels through a choice of wheel throwing, slab building, slump method or slip casting. Their goal was to create ceramic bowls to be auctioned off for the DTHS Empty Bowl Campaign where hand made bowls are auctioned off to the community and the proceeds will be donated to help a Trojan Family In Need. The proceeds from the silent art auction will go to help 3 Trojan Families buy groceries and to fill their pantry.
This is DTHS’s 4th annual Empty Bowls Silent Art Auction and we are inviting the community to place their bids. The silent art auction will be hosted online through google slides from February 14 to February 21 at 2pm, with the winners being notified at 3pm of their winning bid. Please click on this link to access the LIVE silent art auction to place your bid on the bowl that you are most interested in.
The student artist who receives the highest bid will win a prize sponsored by the DTHS Fine Arts Department for their hard work and creative endeavors in this Empty Bowls Campaign. Friends and family and the public are invited to participate in the silent art auction by accessing the google slides link and placing your live bid. Those that have won their bid will be notified February 21 at 3pm and be invited to attend a soup luncheon held at DTHS’s library Friday February 23, 2024 from 11:30 am to Noon. DTHS very own Foods classes will be preparing several great soup choices with biscuits for winners to enjoy for lunch while collecting their one of a kind ceramic artwork.
Some of the bowls that will be available for auction: