A total of $4,070 was collected by ringing the Salvation Army bell at Old Rt. 66 Family Restaurant; Tractory Supply and a counter kettle placed at Circle K gas station in Dwight.
An additional $8,180 was received from letters sent to local businesses, churches, local community organizations and individuals who contributed by personal check the previous year, bringing the total collected to $12,250 in Dwight.
The Salvation Army Campaign was joined again this year with the Dwight United Methodist Church, St. Patrick Catholic Church, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church and New Life Assembly of God, Dwight. Each church took one weekend of the campaign and supplied bell ringers to cover every hour.
The Dwight Salvation Army will be able to assist hundreds of people in the Dwight area thanks to the success of this year’s campaign. The generosity of the businesses allowing bell ringers, the bell ringers and the generosity of individuals, made this a tremendous success.
If you find yourself or someone you know in need of assistance, call Chris Hansen at (303) 638-2490 and she will take the necessary steps to help you.