The Dwight Village Board met Monday, December 11 at 6:30 pm in the lower level of the Public Services Complex.
Trustees in attendance were Pete Meister, Marla Kinkade, Randy Irvin, Jenny Johnson, and Brian Berta. Justin Eggenberger was absent.
Also in attendance were Village Administrator Crissy Livingston and Village Clerk Whitney Scott. President Paul Johnson was absent with Trustee Randy Irvin acting as President Pro Tem.
Payments for December 11, 2023 bills for $81,407.31 were approved. Also the October Treasurer’s Report was approved.
PUBLIC FORUM – No one spoke in Public Forum.
President Pro Tem Randy Irvin reported that there is no further news regarding the burning of the Public Works building. The building and all its contents were completely destroyed in the early morning of Saturday, December 9.
Village Administrator
Village Administrator Crissy Livingston read a letter on behalf of herself and Mayor Paul Johnson regarding the fire incident:
“In the early hours of Saturday morning, one of our Public Works buildings caught fire. This building was a second home to present and past employees, and although it is a devastating loss, we are incredibly grateful that no one was injured. Buildings and contents can and will be replaced, but people can not.
A big thank you to the Dwight Fire Department, Dwight EMS, Dwight PD, Gardner, Odell, Pontiac, Braceville, Braidwood Chief, Mazon, Herscher, Wilmington Chief and ESDA, Salina (Bonfield), Essex, Coal City, Seneca EMS, Sauneman, Elwood, Troy (Shorewood), Morris, Verona-Kinsman, Cullom, Fairbury, Emington/Campus, South Wilmington Chief, Reddick, Reading, Allen Township, Cornell, Gundy County EMA, Division 15 Rehab, Division 15 Investigators, State Fire Marshall, and Livingston County.
Our Public Works department helps keep this Village running and will continue to do so regardless of the setback it received this weekend. The outpouring of support the Village has received in this time of misfortune resonates with how proud we are to be a part of such an amazing community. We want to thank everyone who has offered to lend us a hand, a piece of equipment, and anything else we need. As our Public Works vehicles state, “A Great Past – A Greater Future.” “
Paul Johnson Crissy Livingston
Mayor Village Administrator
Village Administrator
Livingston reported the Village Complex will be closed on Monday, December 25, Tuesday, December 26 and Monday, January 1.
Chief of Police
Livingston also reported on behalf of Chief of Police Mike Nolan that an officer who was injured on December 3 was treated and released from the hospital and has returned to work. The suspect was arrested the same night and was charged with two counts of aggravated battery to a police officer. He was released from jail with a pending court appearance in January.
She added that two new recruits, Vargas and Henson, successfully passed the entry test to the Academy which will eliminate the need for them to take it on the first day of the Academy session. She added Matt Sheldon has put in his resignation with the police department effective December 31, 2023.
The Ordinances below were approved:
- Ordinance 1511 Tax Levy – The tax levy amount for April 23 to March 24 was established at $1,023,500.
- Ordinance 1512 Abating GO Waterwork Bonds Series 2021a
- Ordinance 1513 Abating GO TIF Bond Series 2016B
- Ordinance 1514 Abating GO Tif Bond Series 2021B
- Ordinance 1515 Abating GO Sales Tax Bond Series 2021C
- Ordinance 1516 Mutiual Aid IPWMAN (Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network)
Ordinance Committee
- Ordinance 1506 was approved setting charges for Rights Of Way Construction.
OLD BUSINESS – No old business was discussed.
- Meeting Dates for 2024 were established as the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, with exceptions of cancelling May 28 and moving the meeting on November 11 to November 12.
- A contract for $10,000 per year was approved for ClearGov, a financial management software provider.
- The payment to Illinois Municipal Insurance Cooperative (IMIC) was approved.
The next Village Board meeting will be Monday, January 8.