The Dwight Village Board of Trustees met Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

All Trustees were present as well as Village President Paul Johnson.


  • Bill payments of $448,999.04 on November 13, 2023 were approved.
  • The Treasurer’s Report for September 2023 was approved.
    • $308,503.75 From the Water Fund to the Water Bond Fund for the purpose of paying interest and principal on a bond (2021A) was approved.
    • $356,111.25 from the NHRM Sales Tax Fund (36) to the NHRM Bond Fund (47) for paying principal and interest on a bond (2021C) was approved.


Dwight Economic Alliance President Randy Irvin commented that plans are underway for placement of a Christmas tree in Clock Park. Also, there will be a clean-up and decorating day downtown on November 26.


Mayor Paul Johnson reported he attended a Mayor’s Meeting hosted by Representative Jason Bunting. He also thanked the DEA for hosting a meeting with Livingston County Assessor Shelly Renken and Dwight business property owners. The County had hired an outside property assessment company to re-evaluate all county business property in 2023 which resulted in sharp increases for many property owners.


Village Administrator Crissy Livingston reported the Village Complex had recently flooded following a plumbing failure and she is working with insurance adjusters and contractors on plans for long term repair. She also reported they are investigating if Village properties such as the Old Village Depot are insured sufficiently.

EMS Director Michael Callahan reported the Dwight Woman’s Club donated $1,877 for the purchase of an AED (defibrillator) machine to be placed at the youth ballparks. There will be a plan developed on training coaches on the use of the device.

Chief of Police Mike Nolan told the Board that the two new officers are in their last stages of shadow training. He added two Dwight officers had also joined the Livingston County Area Tactical Response Team (TRT). The team is comprised of officers from Dwight, Pontiac, and Livingston County Sheriff’s Department. Their main mission will be responding to high risk calls. He added there has recently been an increase in mental health calls.

Director of Public Works Cory Scoles reported that the berms on William Street have been seeded and the contractor advised that homeowners not water the areas as it may damage the seeding because of freezing. Watering should be delayed until April.

Scoles added the upgrades to the bathrooms at Renfrew Park have begun. Limb pickup has ended but leaf pickup will continue until the end of November. The Village also wishes to remind residents that the overnight street parking ban will go into effect on December 1.

Although leaves are still falling, the street sweeper continues to operate and anything homeowners can do to keep leaves out of the gutter is appreciated.


A Service Committee Meeting was held just prior to the regular meeting. One item of discussion surrounded the ongoing dilemma of retaining police officers and the potential need of adding an additional officer to mitigate the turnover problem. They also discussed the appropriate fee to be charged for ambulance service to Emington and Campus.


The following items were approved:

  • Payment to Ferguson for $368,292.94 for the purpose of paying for the smart meter project.
  • Payment to Amalgamated for $48,142.50 for the purpose of paying interest and principal on bond (2021B).
  • Payment to Amalgamated for $120,912.50 for the purpose of paying interest and principal on bond (2016B).



The following items were discussed or approved:

  • A request for EMS Rachel Dyer to move from full time to part time was approved.
  • A Downtown Dwight sign donation was approved.
  • A Video Gaming request by Tio Tino’s Tacos for four gaming terminals was approved.
  • The Village is investigating the potential of receiving water payments via the ACH process.
  • It was approved for the Village Administrator to move forward regarding Municipal Code Book updates. The cost not to exceed $20,000.00. The Code Book will also be added to the Village website and will be searchable.

The next Village Board meeting will be November 27 at 6:30.




