The Dwight Rotary Club is looking to revive the tradition of holiday lighting in Rotary Park/Pinecone Path. They are especially inviting businesses and organizations in Dwight to take part in this activity, but individuals may participate as well.

The Dwight Rotary invites you to set up a Christmas tree as a display in Rotary Park, decorated in any appropriate style. You may wish to “advertise” your business, honor an individual, represent your organization, etc, with the decorations on your tree. Other decorations may be added to your designated display site. A small sign advertising your organization may also be placed near your display.

A power pole has been installed at the east entrance to Rotary Park to provide electricity for displays.

Exact location and size of your area will depend upon how many displays are to be set.

  1. Set up times will be determined as plans progress. The lighting/opening date for the display will be shortly after Thanksgiving, perhaps in conjunction with the Christmas parade. The displays should be removed by January 6.

If your organization would be interested in participating, please respond by the end of October so final plans may be made.

Please respond to Dale Adams at

It is hoped to make this a yearly event, with the cooperation of the businesses and organizations of the community.


You Provide:

  1. Christmas Tree, Any size – Real or Artificial
  2. LED Lights and Decorations
  3. Tree Stand anchored into the ground.
  4. 10 – 12’ Outdoor Rated Extension Cord
  5. Set Up any time after Thanksgiving Day.
  6. Optional: Sign to highlight your business or organization
  7. Removal of display by January 6 th , 2023


Rotary Provides:

  1. Spots assigned for tree setup
  2. Assistance with setup if needed
  3. Electricity to power your tree
  4. Removal and disposal of tree and decorations if left after January 6th , 2024.
  5. Any artificial trees, lights, decorations or power cords left after January 6th , 2024 will be considered a donation to the Dwight Rotary Club.

Dwight Ace Hardware has a package deal on the tree, lights, stand/anchors and cords, if you do not already have those items. This is an optional, NOT mandatory, source for the needed items.
