Held in the Dwight Township High School Board Room On September 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Board President Tim Henson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Chris Bunting; Kim Frauli; Tim Henson; Eric Scheuer; Max Sulzberger; Jake Tjelle
ABSENT: Joel Sandeno
Also in attendance: Josh DeLong, Superintendent; Amie Lee, Acting Secretary; Andy Pittenger, Principal
This meeting was held to make a final presentation of the 2023-24 Budget. There was no public comment.
Held in the Dwight Township High School Board Room On September 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Board President Tim Henson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
PRESENT: Chris Bunting; Kim Frauli; Tim Henson; Eric Scheuer; Max Sulzberger; Jake Tjelle
ABSENT: Joel Sandeno
Also in attendance: Josh DeLong, Superintendent; Amie Lee, Acting Secretary; Andy Pittenger, Principal; Cathy Ferguson, AD
Mr. Pittenger announced that he has chosen Katy Kaluzny as Trojan of the Month.
The Board received a thank you card from the family of Nicole Dunnill.
Mrs. Stewart was in attendance to give the DEA Report for the month. She reported there was a lot of positivity from staff and students after starting the school year.
Mr. Pittenger informed the Board of the upcoming ALICE training, financial aid night, and Homecoming.
Ms. Ferguson reported that the fall random drug screenings of DTHS athletes had all come back with negatives. She also stated that the boy’s golf invitational is being held at Dwight Country Club this week.
Mr. DeLong stated that he received the proofs for the vinyl door wraps and noted how happy he is with them. He stated that the parking lot concrete is finished and brick continues to be laid in the practice facility. Mr. DeLong thanked everyone for their efforts in helping bringing back the Trojan mascot and the Homecoming bonfire.
Mr. DeLong reported on the following items:
- Mr. DeLong introduced the idea of a Trap Shooting Coop with GSW to the Board. He noted all the safety regulations that are in place for the sport and that it would be another opportunity for students to get involved in something that interests them. He will look for final approval at a later date once the GSW Board has approved the Coop.
- Mr. DeLong reported that there will be another round of matching Maintenance Grants this year. He suggests that we submit for asphalt for Trojan Drive. He also suggests a path that goes from the Grade School to the High School for students walking. The state allows up to $50,000 towards these projects, which is then matched with District funds.
- Mr. DeLong noted that we are due for a 10-year Health, Life Safety inspection. He has been in contact with BLDD to schedule this inspection at a cost of approximately $10,000 and it will most likely be held in early 2024.
- Mr. DeLong informed the Board about a new reporting system for students called Safe2Help. This is a system where students can anonymously report bullying, harassment or other issues. It is similar to Report It, which is currently being used in the District. This will not only push messages out to Administrators, but also law enforcement and mental health resources beyond the school district. It is a free service to the District.
- Mr. DeLong received notification from the Village of Dwight that they are submitting for a competitive Safe Routes to Schools grant again. They are gathering information from our families to use to support this grant so that they may get funding up to $500,000 to install a sidewalk and crosswalk near Bannon Drive and Route 17 for students that need to walk to school. They also are looking near Route 47 and Wilmac St. for the same issue, but this may be for a future grant.
- Mr. DeLong was informed that the Blue Sky Solar project between Dwight and Gardner may be dead in the water. They have come up against issues hooking into the ComEd grid. Even if the project is not dead, the soonest it could now possibly be online again would be in 2032. The school was projected to receive approximately $300,000 per year in tax dollars for this project.
Items for consideration on this month’s Consent Agenda are as follows:
- Minutes of the August 16, 2023 Board Meeting
- Minutes of the August 16, 2023 Public Meeting
- Bills
- Approve Employment, Steve Weaver, Bus Driver
- Approve Employment, Samuel Edwards, Volunteer Football Coach
- Approve Employment, J. Golden, Volunteer Baseball Coach
- Approve Employment, Elizabeth Gundlach, Sub Bus Monitor
- Approve Employment, Betsy Larsen, Sub Bus Monitor
- Approve Employment, Megan Borgra, Substitute Teacher
- Approve Employment, Jay Dunn, Substitute Teacher
Mr. DeLong asked for final approval of the 2023-24 District Budget.
Mr. DeLong discussed the structure of the proposed split Athletic Director position that would be shared with DGS. He proposes a 60/40 split with the GS paying the 40% portion.
The Board discussed Board/DEA negotiations and the structure of the Negotiations Committee. It was decided that there should be 3 Board members plus one alternate. Kim Frauli, Tim Henson, and Max Sulzberger volunteered to be on the Negotiations Committee, with Eric Scheuer volunteering to be the alternate. Mr. DeLong will do most of the initial meetings with the DEA reps and the whole committee will meet only for the final meetings.
Mr. DeLong presented the 2022-23 Teacher/Administrator Compensation Report for approval.
Mr. DeLong reported that approval of the Threat Assessment Team and the Threat Assessment Plan is a new annual requirement. The Team has met and the plan has been reviewed by Detective Beier.
The following students have requested early graduation:
Briana Cuaya
Wesley Houser
Steven Clark
Mr. DeLong noted that all three have met the requirements to graduate at semester and have been asked to return to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Mr. DeLong forwarded a request from FCCLA Sponsor Tammy Fritchtnitch for members of the FCCLA to attend on overnight Ignite Conference in Springfield on October 1st and 2nd.
Mr. DeLong noted the need to cancel the Regular October 18, 2023 Board Meeting in order to hold a Special Joint Board Meeting with the GS on October 18th to discuss the recent district audits and negotiations with the DEA.
to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; According to Section 2, subsection c, #1 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried.