A Wildly Beneficial Wetland Field Day for Hunters at Feather Prairie Farm

Hunters, hunting dog trainers, and landowners who want hunting areas are invited to a special event at Feather Prairie Farms near Dwight, IL, on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 2–6 pm.

Just one year ago, the Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association restored a 0.58-acre wetland scrape and built a 2.01-acre wetland for treating tile drainage at the 12.3-acre project on Feather Prairie Farm. The Wetlands Initiative’s Smart Wetland Program and the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provided the design and covered the construction costs. In addition, Illinois Pheasants Forever planted a short and tall grass native habitat to attract wildlife and pollinators to the area.

In addition to touring the tile treatment and restored wetlands, visitors can watch a hunt dog training demonstration and hear two expert researchers speak about upland birds, waterfowl, and wetland management.

Event Agenda

  • 2-5 pm Self-guided tours of the on-site constructed and restored wetlands
  • 2-5 pm Visit with exhibitors
  • 3 pm Bird Conservation in Illinois and Beyond, Dr. Michael Ward, professor andresearcher, Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, University ofIllinois Urbana-Champaign
  • 4 pm – Waterfowl, Wetland Birds, and Management Practices that Attract Them, Dr.Auriel Fournier, Director of the Illinois Natural History Survey’s Forbes BiologicalStation
  • 5 pm – Dinner, sponsored by Springfield Plastics, Inc.
  • 5:30 pm — Hunting Dog Training demonstration, Dan Ihrke, owner and hunting dogtrainer at Green Acres Sportsman’s ClubPlease RSVP at this link so we have enough food and space for attendees to join us for dinner. Driving directions and the latest details on the event can be found at https://www.smartwetlands.farm/smartwetland6.The Wetlands Initiative is sponsoring the event with support from the Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association (ILICA), US Fish & Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever, Feather Prairie Farm, Ducks Unlimited and Springfield Plastics, Inc