Dwight Village Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday May 22, 2023
Present: Paul Johnson, Village President; Trustees: Randy Irvin, Pete Meister, Marla Kinkade, Jenny Johnson, and Brian Berta. Absent: Trustee, Justin Eggenberger
- Payment of May 22, 2023, Bills $109,310.88 – Approved
- February 2023 Treasurer’s Report – Approved
- March 2023 Treasurer’s Report – Approved
Randy Irvin, representing Dwight Economic Alliance (DEA), reported that funds held by the Grundy County Community Foundation on behalf of IMPACT Dwight had been released to the DEA as IMPACT was now part of the DEA organization. The funds will be used for four welcoming signs at entries into town, sidewalks accessing the old train depot, and general beautification downtown.
Trustee Jenny Johnson raised the concern that the public restrooms in Renfrew Park were in very poor condition and the Village should consider revamping or updating them.
Mayor Paul Johnson reported:
- Parking situations in the downtown area were being reviewed to help aid some of the businesses
- The potential donation of the OSF building on John Street to the Village was awaiting action by OSF Administration
- Donations from Pattern Energy for scoreboards at the little league field were pending
- There have been requests by residents to have the sewer fee waived when swimming pools are being filled. The Village has no practical way to manage this, except with the installation of a second water meter at homeowner’s expense. If a resident would like to investigate this option they should inquire at Village Hall.
Village Administrator Crissy Livingston reported:
- The hiring process for a new Administrative Assistant/Billing Clerk had been completed and Nicole Bozarth had been selected.
- A new children’s clothing business, Charlee’s Closet, will soon be opening downtown at 160 East Main Street.
- The street and underground locations being marked downtown are for new gas main services being installed in the downtown area by Nicor. The installations should be completed in about three weeks.
- Leftover Tornado Relief Funds from the June 2010 tornado would be given to the DEA to be used for community enhancement.
EMS Director Michael Callahan:
- Ambulance 1824 has been repaired and is back in service.
- Ambulance 1814 has a defective tire and warranty replacement is being pursued.
- Callahan thanked the Board for the installation of narcotics vaults which aid in the monitoring and control of narcotics in the Department.
- Ten employees are being recognized by Morris Hospital during EMS Week for various calls with which they have been involved.
Public Works Director Cory Scoles:
- The Public Pool has been filled.
- Cory thanked the Board for recognizing village employees during EMS Week.
Chief of Police Mike Nolan (reported by Crissy Livingston);
- The two new police recruits are doing well in their Academy experience.
- A letter of resignation had been received from Trevor Sember effective June 2. He will be required to reimburse the Village for his Academy Training.
- Ordinance committee Wednesday, May 10th
- The Building Inspector job description was reviewed and updated.
- A request to allow Backyard Chickens was recommended to not be approved.
- It was agreed to create parking restrictions in front of Peoples National Bank for bank business parking only of Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Sat 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Resolution 2023-14 to appoint Hayden Tjelle as an Authorized Account Inquiry Representative was approved.
- WWTP Improvement pay request #2 to Commercial Mechanical, Inc $91,399.50, was approved.
- Nicole Bozarth was hired as Administrative Assistant / Billing and Permitting Clerk.
- Tim Griest was hired as Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer.
- Pavlov Media gave a presentation on their proposed fiber optic internet service coming to Dwight.
- Increased spending authorization for Village Administrator was raised to an amount of $5,000.
- Action to refer an Adult Day Care home business occupation request by Elizabeth Ranieri to the Plan Commission was tabled pending further information being available.
The next meeting will be Monday, June12.