Brian Berta was sworn in as a new 2-year term Village of Dwight Trustee at the regular Village Board Meeting on Monday May 8.
Incumbents Marla Kinkade, Pete Meister, and Randy Irvin also took the swearing-in oath to continue with 4-year terms on the Board. Whitney Scott was sworn in as Village Clerk as well for a 4-year term.

- Payment of May 8, 2023 bills for $245,112.34 were approved.
- Randy Irvin reported on the Red Carpet Corridor event being a success even though the KCBS contest had been cancelled.
Mayor Paul Johnson congratulated the three DTHS athletes who competed in the Illinois High School Powerlifting State Meet; Landon Burkhardt, Seth Robertson, and Parker Miner, who finished in first place in the 181 pound weight class, making him Dwight’s first State Champion in powerlifting.
- Village Administrator Crissy Livingston reported that newly hired Financial Services Coordinator Hayden Tjelle has begun his employment with the Village. She added that Bennett Electronic Services have completed installation of the sound system downtown and the next step will be for Kelly Electric to run the appropriate wiring. In addition, the new computer upgrades are nearing completion.
- EMS Director Michael Callahan reminded the Board that the EMS group will be hosting a blood drive on May 22 in the lower level of the Village Hall.
- Chief of Police Mike Nolan told the Board the two new recruits had entered the training academy and should graduate in late August.
- Public Works Director Corey Scoles reported the Public Pool had been painted and everything was in line to open on time.
- A resolution that the annual 5% Water and Sewer Rates increase would not be enacted for 2023-2024 and rates would remain unchanged.
- A resolution was passed confirming the Consolidated General Election results from April 4.
- Randy Irvin was approved as President Pro Tem.
- A request by St. Jude Run Team for a Poppy Day Bucket Brigade was approved for June 2 and 3 at the intersection of Routes 17 and 47.
- A gaming and liquor license request for 106 Watters Drive, Unit C, was withdrawn by the requestor.
- The purchases of a pump control and overhead door control for the Sewer Plant were approved.
The Board moved into executive Session to discuss compensation considerations.