Gardner Village Board
March 27, 2023

Gardner Village Board met in regular session Monday evening. The meeting opened with the approval of the minutes of the March 13 meeting and payment of the bills.
Jessica from Creative Gemz in Gardner addressed the board during public comment regarding hosting Junk in the Truck sales to be hosted by Creative Gemz one Sunday each month. Vendors will pay a $15 fee, to be donated to charity. The event will be hosted on the grass area adjacent to the Depot Street parking lot, the same as during the Red Carpet Corridor. Vendors would include crafters, direct sellers, farmers market, and antique dealers. Jessica stated she would be happy to add any local charities to their donation list. She is hoping for 10-15 regular vendors, and up to 20, similar to the Red Corporate vendor fair. Commissioner Dick Hileman motioned to allow the events and passed unanimously. Jessica will contact the village once she sets dates.

The board approved a proclamation naming May 31, 2023 Grundy County Historical Society Day. Two representatives from the Historical Society attended the meeting. The date celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Society, with an open house hosted at the museum in Morris on May 7. Mayor mike Serena read the proclamation into the record prior to it passing unanimously.

The board next approved street marking for railroad crossings, downtown street parking, and lane striping. The striping will be completed by the same contractor as the streets that were repaved in 2022. Village Engineer Casey McCollom of Chamlin and Associates noted the village will have two days notice prior to the contractor completing the work and they will be in the village for one day only. The work will include striping and marking designated handicap parking spaces.
Commissioner Dick Hileman presented pricing for unit steps for the dining car. Hileman suggesting adding the purchase to the next agenda. Painting in the water plant is nearly completed.

Erik Smith is developing a list of sidewalks for repairs. Smith would like to purchase the materials to allow the public works employees to pour sidewalks in the areas requiring repair. Smith commented one of the public works employees is a concrete finisher and completing the work in house will save the village considerable money compared to contracting the work. Smith also commented the are several alleys also requiring attention when the weather improves. McCollom suggested pouring the sidewalks four feet wide to meet ADAAA requirements.

Mayor Mike Serena announced the 1st Annual Gardner Tractor Show to take place on Sunday, May 7th, the Sunday of the Red Carpet Corridor. The show will be held on the Depot Street parking lot across from the Old National Bank.
The GSW Prom Lock-in is requesting a donation from the village to support the event to keep the prom attendees centralized and safe after prom. Serena will add the request to the agenda for the next meeting.
ComEd notified the village they will be measuring to add a new pole for the south Jackson street streetlight project.



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