Community members of all ages will soon have the opportunity to enjoy the rock painting skills demonstrated by members of the Dwight Woman’s Club at their February meeting at Prairie Creek Library.  Club members created unique designs on small rocks that will be hidden throughout Dwight with the kick-off of the Dwight Woman’s Club Rocks project, #DWCrocks, in early spring.

Lisa Marsh and Jill Launius, chairpersons for the project, brought members up to date on plans for the Dwight Woman’s Club Rocks… #DWCrocks Facebook page and Instagram account, as well as the details about the project.  The community rock hunting adventure will begin with club members hiding the rocks they painted around the village

Children and adults who find a rock can post a picture of themselves and the found rock on the club’s social media accounts and then re-hide the rock for others to find.  Lisa and Jill explained that anyone can participate in the program by painting a rock, adding the reminder share on #DWCrocks to their creation, and hiding it around town.  Suggestions and a few rules about hiding rocks will be posted on the #DWCrocks Facebook page. Club members agreed that if someone finds a rock they love, they are welcome to post their picture and then keep the rock and “give it a good home”.  

An official early spring start date for #DWCrocks will be posted on the Dwight Woman’s Club and #DWCrocks Facebooks pages, as well as in The Paper Area Events column in The Paper On Line.
