The Dwight Common School #232 Board of Education Met Wednesday February 8 in the Grade School Library.

Present were Lori Bowman; Mark Christenson; Michael Cornale; Marc Ellis; Jaime Mallaney; Nick Stipanovich.

Absent was Tara Hansen.

Also in attendance: Josh DeLong, Superintendent; Deb Conroy, Secretary; Julie Schultz, Principal; Jeremy Jenkins, Asst. Principal/AD.


Mrs. Schultz announced that Emily Bovelle and Tracey Karstens have been chosen as Redbirds of the Month.




Thompson was in attendance to give the DEA report for the month.

Principal Julie Schultz reported enrollment, including PreK stands at 562 students.

Board member Lori Bowman stated that she is concerned about the 28 students in 7th Grade Social Studies. She stated that is a high number and she wants to make certain they have the support that is needed.

Students of the month were recognized as below:

Assistant Principal Jeremy Jenkins reported that the 8th Grade boys basketball team won the Sectional Championship on Monday night and move on to the state series on Saturday, February 11th to play at 10:00 a.m. against Mt. Sterling Brown County. There will be a pep assembly and a clap out for them on Friday afternoon at dismissal time.

Mr. DeLong reported that a bid packet will be going out shortly for the scope of the Maintenance grant project that will be used to work on the plumbing.


Mr. DeLong reported on the following issues:

1)  The Boys and Girls Club: They will begin as soon as they get enough applicants to work with our students. The current plan is to have academic tutoring 3 days per week and activities on the other 2 days. This tutoring will eventually replace our ASSP program.
2)  New Windfarm Update: The meeting with the Village board was last week and the ordinance to allow their turbines within 1.5 miles of the Village limits did not pass so there will now be only 48 turbines in our district. There could be even less if the Campus Village Board does not pass their ordinance this evening. This project could mean an additional $20M over the next 30 years to the district.

3)  Radar Signs Update: Signs are in and we are waiting on the Village to get the poles set. They should be set within the next month and a half.

4)  Amended Budget: Due to several items that will need to be updated in this year’s budget, Mr. DeLong will submit an Amended Budget at a future date. The proposed amended budget should be submitted for viewing at the May meeting and finalized in June before the end of the fiscal year.

5)  Mr. DeLong reported that we have received a letter from our attorney stating that they will be increasing their hourly rate by $20/hour beginning March 1st.

6)  Mr. DeLong informed the Board that we recently had a Food Service audit from ISBE and we have just today received our audit findings. We will be working towards a corrective action plan in response to those findings.


Items for consideration on this month’s Consent Agenda are as follows:

1)  Minutes of the January 12, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
2)  Bills
3)  Affirm Employment, Brooke Whittle, Long Term Substitute Teacher, Math Intervention and Technology
4)  Approve Employment, Katie Crouch, Assistant Girls Track Coach
5)  Approve Employment, Jeremy Jenkins, Head Boys Track Coach
6)  Affirm Employment, Rebecca Bean, Paraprofessional Substitute


Mr. DeLong asked for approval to reinstate the Wrestling program at DGS for the 2023-24 school year. He noted that there will probably not be any option for home meets next year. And he also noted that we will need coaches. He has feelers out with former successful wrestlers to hopefully fill these positions if the staff is not interested.

Mr. DeLong presented his proposal for the 2023-24 school calendar for approval.


Mr. DeLong presented a 3-year contract with Principal Julie Schultz for approval. This contract would cover school years 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26.

Mr. DeLong has submitted a proposal to raise the K-5 registration fees to match those of the Jr. High, from $100 per year to $125 per year. This would then line up the fee structure across both districts. He would then suggest having an early bird special of $100 this spring so we can get students registered as early as possible to gauge class sizes.

Mr. DeLong reported that due to increased interest in Cross Country, there will be a need again this year for a Cross Country coach. Last year we had a volunteer coach run the program. This year he expects that we will need to pay the coach. He has discussed other stipend numbers with similar season length with the DEA and came up with a starting salary of $1,876.

Moved by Ellis, seconded by Cornale, to go into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; According to Section 2, subsection c, #1 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried.

The Board then entered into Closed Session.
