The Dwight Village Board of Trustees met on January 9 in the lower level of the Public Services Complex.
Trustees in attendance were Marla Kinkade, Pete Meister, Randy Irvin, and Justin Eggenberger. Absent were Jenny Johnson, Chuck Butterbrodt, and Mayor Paul Johnson. Irvin presided as Mayor Pro Tem.
In the Public Forum section of the meeting, Jared Anderson addressed the Board on behalf of Heritage Renewable Energy Company which is planning a wind and solar farm east of Dwight. He presented a resolution document to the Board of which his firm will be asking the Board to adopt. He asked the Board to review prior to next meeting. Trustee Marla Kinkade inquired how close the nearest tower would be placed to village limits and Anderson responded the map wasn’t finalized but those details would be provided.
Tim Henson, representing  the High School Board of Education, reminded the group that an informative public hearing was going to be held in the auditorium of the High School on Wednesday January 11 regarding the proposed Athletic Practice Facility.
Chief of Police Mike Nolan reported Officer Hunter Kenney had resigned. He added the next Academy slot would be open in the March/April timeframe.

Director of Public Works Cory Scoles related an incident where Public Works employee Brandon Stych assisted a resident during the recent blizzard weather who had fallen outside. Stych carried the resident into her home under very poor weather conditions and likely prevented further injury, frostbite or possibly even worse. Scoles described Stych’s actions as “heroic”.
Taking a recommendation from the Planning Commission, the Board approved the Special Use request from Casey’s Retail Company to allow for a gasoline and diesel fuel station at the old Arby’s location at 11 W. Northbrook Drive and for the ground sign height to be 120′ high.
In Old Business, a payment of $269,478.91 was approved to D Construction for the St. Louis Street project. A five percent contingent fund is being withheld pending suitable sod restoration. Also purchase of new Village Computers was approved.
In New Business, repairs to Stevenson Pool were approved to replace the heater and pump at an estimated cost of $49,500.
Six video gaming licenses for $250 each were approved for Jaskaran Pantry LLC  at 10 East Northbrook Drive.
The number of candidates for the open Finance Director position has been narrowed to two and interviews are continuing. Applications for the Village Administrator are also being reduced to a manageable level.
EMS calls ended with a total of 1,433 for the year. There were 1,143 in 2021.