This is a message from Dwight Township High School Board President, Tim Henson.  On Wednesday January 11th, at 6 p.m., we are having a public forum regarding the proposed 2.5 million dollar athletic practice facility, that will be shared by DTHS, DGS and more.  This has been studied and looked at for over 30 years, with the last proposal using the Ag Plot and costing over 12 million dollars.  We all know that the number of students in the Dwight School system has decreased over the years, however the amount of extracurricular activities that are offered, has outpaced the amount of practice facilities we have to offer.  I ask you to join us in the Dwight Township High School auditorium at 6 pm on January 11th.  There will be proposed building plans, and a detailed explanation on What is proposed, Where it will be built, Why it is necessary, and How we would pay for this, without raising your taxes.  I believe this is a must if we want to see our kids have the same competitive opportunity as other schools do.  This being said, the DTHS Board wants to be totally transparent to the citizens we serve.  This gives everyone an opportunity to hear what is being proposed. The Board will officially vote on this proposal at their January 18th Board meeting.  This is an informational meeting only, not a debate.  Thank you all, for caring about our kids, coaches, community and the future of DTHS and DGS.
